Fiasco (bra konst)
Fiasco (bra konst)

'Bra konst' Swedish for 'good art'. One of the drawings by Dave Watson that Morag's monoprints are based on.

'Fiasco' is the name for the raffia-wrapped wine bottles from Italy. This represnts a microcosm of the world: chaotic and inebriated.
Arches paper and sanguine & charcoal pencils.

Fiasco (bra konst)

'Bra konst' Swedish for 'good art'. One of the drawings by Dave Watson that Morag's monoprints are based on.

'Fiasco' is the name for the raffia-wrapped wine bottles from Italy. This represnts a microcosm of the world: chaotic and inebriated.
Arches paper and sanguine & charcoal pencils.